Tag : doberman-pinscher

How to Paper Train a Yorkie Puppy

While trying to paper train your Yorkie puppy may seem daunting, it is actually quite easy. Paper training is far easier than housebreaking, and is perfect for owners living in apartments. With a little bit of time and patience, you can successfully train your Yorkie to use paper or puppy pads.

Australian Shepherds: Information

The Australian Shepherds are vigorous, well-proportioned and country dogs - a little longer than tall. Their slightly arched heads and medium-length muzzles are about the same length. Their almond-shaped can be brown, blue or amber. Their ears are triangular and set high and their tails are straight

How to Cook Chicken for Your Dog

Chicken is a bland, low fat option to commercial dog food, and while your pampered pet shouldn"t consume it for every meal, it is a good option for when your dog has an upset stomach or is exhibiting finicky eating habits. On its own, chicken is a healthy, inexpensive addition to a dog"s diet. As si

How to Power Wash Kennels

The use of a kennel allows pet owners to provide shelter and comfort to dogs outside of the home environment. In addition, kennels provide a safe and protective environment for dogs when owners must perform tasks requiring a separate environment from pets. Pet owners often fill these dog shelters wi

What Is Kennel Cough in Puppies?

Kennel cough is a severe upper respiratory infection. It"s a highly contagious disease, often present among highly communal canine populations in animal shelters and pet stores. Adult dogs generally respond well to treatment, but puppies are more at risk from this disease due to their immature immun

Neutering Risks

Neutered males aid in the ever-growing population of homeless dogs.dog image by Vaida from Fotolia.comNeutering male dogs is common practice. Beside the benefit of aiding in the control of an ever-growing population of homeless animals, neutering is believed to be generally beneficial to...

New Puppy"s Ride Home

What you need to know for a safe, comfortable ride home. You have been impatiently waiting for the day that you can bring your new puppy home. That day is finally here and you can hardly wait to pick up your new little family member and start your new life together. Before this day arrives, you will

Dog Mites in Humans

Mites are small parasites that live in and around the skin of a host animal, such as a dog, cat or human. Occasionally, these mites can be transmitted between a pet and the owner. Dogs who are suspected to have mites of any type should be taken to a veterinarian immediately for treatment. Owners who

Belgian Sheepdog

The Belgian Sheepdog is a beautiful, alert, looking dog with a moderately long coat. Its head is in proportion to the body. It is square in body shape, that has good musculature. The head is flattened on the top with a slightly pointed muzzle that has tight lips. Their bite can be either scissor or