More and more people are traveling these days and taking along the family pet.
According to Road and Travel Magazine, 78% of pet owners are hitting the sky and rolling down the highways with their four legged companions.
To avoid a traveling nightmare here are some helpful tips to consider before embarking on your road trip.
Preparation is the key to traveling with your Yorkie or any pet you may have which can lead to a rewarding experience for both you and your Yorkie.
The travel industry is well prepared to accommodate pet travel arrangements.
Be sure to book your travel plans well in advance and let them know you are traveling with a Yorkshire terrier.
If you are traveling by airplane advanced reservations makes a lot of sense to ensure your pets safety.
There are two options for your Yorkie - one, he can travel in a small soft sided carry on that fits right under your seat on the aircraft.
Of course, if your Yorkie travels alone they will be sent to the cargo area.
Since many pet owners travel with their pets today many hotels and motels have become more accommodating to their needs.
When staying in your hotel room and you must leave your Yorkie alone there are two important things you must to do 1.
Place the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and inform both the housekeeper and the person at the front desk.
Bringing along your Yorkie's favorite bed and toys will keep his anxiety down while he enjoys a few familiar comforts from home.
Also it is important that you have a rabies vaccination certificate before traveling with your Yorkshire terrier.
Your veterinarian can advise you on other recommendations for your travel plans.
This may also include their shot record and a health certificate especially if you travel to Canada or Mexico.
If your Yorkie is just recovering from any type of illness it may be a good idea to schedule a physical before you leave.
Sadly, some pets become separated from their owners when traveling; this might be a good time to protect your Yorkshire terrier by implanting a microchip for that positive identification.
So do yourself a favor and avoid a traveling nightmare with your Yorkie by following the above safety tips and you can ensure a hassle-free trip with a little extra preparation and proper planning it will be just one less thing to worry about.
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